Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


.. I was pleased to see this today, as I caught sight of one yesterday (but was mid 'Photo Challenge', and couldn't keep the shot!). I didn't think they were supposed to be seen very often in the North West of England (but I'm probably mistaken).

I am way behind with comments owing to a fairly full on last week. I'm hoping for better things next week (I sound like Billy Bunter!).

For today, I have put three loads of washing on the line and dried them all (and that's not a sentence one says very often in the Peak District! When we lived in Oxfordshire it was a rare day that pegging out could not occur at some time during any one day. I have even hung washing on the line over the Christmas period).

There was an Art Fair in town today. I think some people just have artistic bones.
(I wish I did).


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