Fading Away

Not me, unfortunately, but the colour of our dining table:-)  Not the most interesting of pictures, but I only took shots of furniture today.

We had another visit from the lovely lady viewer/buyer from Argyll and her equally lovely husband, who was seeing the house they have bought for the first time!  Fortunately, he was as pleased with it as she is, so it's all going ahead as planned.

As we are buying new furniture for the new house, we offered them anything from our current furniture that they would like to save it going to auction.  The dining room table and chairs were requested and they will have a think about some other pieces, so I have sent them some photos to help them decide.  I opened out the able to its full size to let them see how large it was and was horrified to discover this colour difference between the folded leaf and the rest.  We never needed to open it out, so had not realised how much the table had faded in the sunlight over the years!  Wonder if they will still want it now:-)

The weather stayed dry while we showed them round the house and garden and they had no sooner left than the rain started, so no need to water the garden tonight!

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