
Bump into me anywhere at anytime (except when I'm out running, swimming, showering, or in bed) and I guarantee you that I'll have these things in my pockets: my wallet, the change purse, a Swiss army knife, my phone and AirPods, and some keys. (And also, usually, a handkerchief.)

This morning I received a text on the phone asking if I'd made a payment to 'O2 PAY & GO'. As the sender had my mobile number and four digits from my credit card, and I wasn't giving away additional information, I replied no. And then the credit card company rang me. 

It could have been an elaborate fraud, so during the identity checks, I deliberately gave a wrong answer. The fact they knew it was wrong reassured me that the call was legit.

Anyway, someone attempted three transaction on my credit card, the first two of which were successful. So, full credit to the Co-op bank for spotting it and sorting it.

-11.8 kgs
0 words
Reading: David McCourt's 'Total Rethink'

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