The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The day after

This phone camera doesn't take good photos in low light. The light was certainly low, and dreich.

We abandoned our hill walking plans because of the rain, and instead went for a walk around the Inverawe estate on the other side of loch Etive, opposite Bonawe quarry, more or less. 'We' were my brother Ruaraidh and his wife Sandra, their eldest boy Callum; my sister Kate and her daughter Jezzie; my niece Maria, and Harris the dog. Despite starting off all wrong, we enjoyed a good walk, and bought some salmon and kippers at the smokery too!

Then over to Benderloch (aka Ledaig) to my other sister's, for afternoon tea, and watching another crew of cousins laying some decking. Our mother was there too. Ruaraidh was playing the penny whistle, and the chanter, accompanied by his son Duncan on guitar. Kate and I couldn't think straight after a while, so went for a bike ride and got caught in the rain. Stopped off at a friend's for a breather, too.

Back to pick up the young people, and drop them off half way home, then Kate and I went to town to buy fish and chips for supper. By this time I was so tired from lack of sleep that I'd sort of turned into Father Jack ( of Father Ted fame) but I revived when we got back and had some fish and good wine! The guy in the chippie had got our order all wrong but it didn't matter anyway, there was enough for all of us: my sister Kate and her three children/young adults, Maria, and their cousin Connor. (Or did he arrive later? Who knows?)

Then we watched Gogglebox, and something to do with Elton John songs, and I finally had to turn in again. Back south again tomorrow. Wish I could stay here longer, it's been so good to relax and be surrounded by lochs and hills again.

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