Some Rain...Please!

Dear Diary,

I am having to do a lot of watering to keep things going, like this new Dutchman's Pipe vine on the potting shed.  Everything is bone dry.  Poor Horatio has to venture right up to my back door to get a nibble of something green.  I will be buying him lettuce soon!  They say we might get showers tomorrow.  I hope they're right; Horatio hopes so too!

I am doing some last minute packing today for my little trip tomorrow.  I am taking the Downeaster train from Portland to Boston...a first for me.  I do love train travel.  I am going to try and post from the train tomorrow so I will be a bit late with my Blip.  I am assuming they have wifi as I am taking business class.  I am only taking my iPad so we will see how this works.  It is sort of a trial run for my trip to Scotland and England in September.  I am really looking forward to my Blipmeet with the wonderful DDW and Mr. W and their ever adorable Miss Mabel!

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