Waiting for her Walk

I caught Pepper optimistically waiting for her walk by the back door.
Not strictly true though as I had caught her in the sun in this pose a little earlier but, by the time I had fetched the camera and put the right lens on and arranged one or two props, she had moved. So I called Pepper back and told her to lie down; she is now a good dog and did as she was told.
The boots are J's very old walking boots and are falling apart. He has bought some new ones but these can't be thrown away yet as I have an idea for a photograph - I just have to place them in front of the right door. I have a door in mind so I just need to go and do it - preferably not on a really bright summer day though but maybe the light contrast would be good.

Camera Club committee meeting this evening - my first as Chairman. And everyone was there - no excuses. So some very useful and productive discussions.

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