A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Glamorous Grannies?

Decided to wait till the remembrance services were over till I went to Durham. Actually I think I've been bitten by a Northumbrian tsetse fly as I didn't wake till 9. There is no other explanation!

Was to pick a frock up at a shop in Durham, went on the website to check it was open on sunday. It was! Marvellous!

Started down the A1 and found myself in an area where pheasants like to go for a sunday morning stroll. AND yes I killed a one, I don't feel good about it, but the only other option was to cause a pile up. I remember my father used to aim the car at them so we could have pheasant for lunch; I have never particularly enjoyed eating it!

Got to Durham AND yes the shop was shut!

However these 4 very game (and a bit tiddly maybe) young ladies were doing some sort of challenge for the North East Air Ambulance. They asked me to take a photo of them with a busker which I did and asked if I could take one of them! There I did it!

I now have to bake those cakes after gorging myself on mince pies (they were cheap!)

Happy Sunday!

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