Mountain top highs

When we were with the community last night, we decided that today we should head up to the top of a local mountain. A couple of the guys were free and came with us. SO MUCH FUN! We caught cable cars to the top and then wandered along various mountain paths and had a picnic too...I've added some extras in. Absolutely breathtaking beauty!! And we ended it with a mountain coffee - coffee, schnapps and lots of cream.
Home in the afternoon, time for a walk around town, chocolate purchasing, playing with some of the kids from the community, chatting with some of the families...then home and off to town for dinner by the river with Susanna. Thun is a very beautiful town - I highly recommend it.

Drama of the day;
Nate being unsettled - teeth and tiredness I think. He loved the mountain though!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The generosity of the community here - in so many ways they've showered us with kindness.
2) Being up the mountain - utter beauty. Good for the soul.
3) Susanna taking some pics of Danny and I...we don't have many of the 2 of us!

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