
By Angella

Weather Day

This photograph was taken just after the unveiling of a brand new weather station. The splendid shiny weather station in the middle of the photograph is a smart new weather monitoring system. The company, Instromet, had a display at the COL (Climatological Observers Link) meeting that we went to. Just to the right of it is a weather station display with the COL logo on it. Instrumet can personalise your weather station for you! We have one of their products on our mantelpiece in the sitting room. It's great to glance at and get an instant idea of the weather outside.

The day was very interesting, lots of informative talks, and a chance to meet fellow amateur meteorologists (and some professionals). If you are interested in collecting weather data COL might be just the organisation to support you (and give you a chance to share your data.) Sadly we did not manage to sell A's old wooden Stevenson Screen as we had hoped.

On the long journey to Reading the SatNav eventually took us through some amazing countryside, down quite narrow lanes. It did not seem a very direct route, but the autumn colours were wonderful. We even went through a village called Nettlebed! The journey back was quite different. It took us an hour and a half to reach the M4. No idea why we even went that way. We are going back next year for a weekend conference, and we'll research out route ourselves. We were also a bit peeved at having to pay £15 for parking!

Still, even though we were very weary at the end of it, we had a great day. The meeting was in Reading Town Hall which had some wonderful terracotta on it.

This was a back Blip, and I did it on the wrong day! Appologies to PlainJane and BowBelle, who had commented on it.

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