Double Shot Mummy


Bye bye Aunty Emily

We had a bit of a quiet morning today lazying around home before Emily's flight back to the UK. We were all very sad to see her go as we had such a fun and fulfilling week with her!

Moving to Dubai has really made me appreciate all the friendships we made during our 7 years in the UK. Good friendships take time and should not be taken for granted.

Maple is now 16 weeks old, I can not believe it. She is such a happy, smiley baby. She does cry but is settled with the basics (Food/nappy change/winding). I feel eternally grateful for Maple as our first year with Bailee and Oscar wasn't such an easy ride. The hardest bit was loving them so much and not being able to stop them crying.

Today Maple officially graduated into 3-6 month old clothes. We haven't had to buy her many clothes but she got a new set of sheep sleepsuits and wore her pink spotty dungarees from grandma for the first time!

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