The Daily Mynci

By Funkymynci

In the Ash Woods

I went up to Woodhill Woods this afternoon - in fact you'll find me there most Sunday afternoons.. It feel like time's running out now though because Ash is one of the predominant trees here and it's looking inevitable that the Woodland Trust will fell them at some point when ash dieback disease takes hold in this part of the world. This place will look a lot different with 40% of the trees felled :-( Lots more blips to come in the next few months.

The model in this picture just ate two frozen pies that I was about to pop in the oven even though he'd just been fed .. silver foil all over the kitchen floor the wet-nosed furry-arsed little bastard. He was a stray in a former life before we got him from the rescue - makes him a greedy scavenging pain in the butt sometimes. Looks like me and Michelle are having some obscure frozen things from the back of the freezer.. safely in the oven with the roast tatties now!

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