Capital adventures

By marchmont


I was hijacked by emotion this morning, I wasn't expecting it, but it came up, grabbed me and overwhelmed me.

We had two difficult anthems to sing this morning. I thought I did ok in the practice but then, during the children's address, Karen told the story of meeting Craig at the Army Recovery Centre in Gilmerton on Friday. I don't know why but it just triggered that overwhelming emotional reaction in me. Because of course I know Craig, I've known him since before he was born, he was our next door neighbour and I told his mother, when he joined up, that he'd come back from Afghanistan ok. But he didn't, he nearly died, shot in July 2011. But Karen spoke of his resilience , of his cheeky smile and his determination to get 100% fit. So why was I standing failing to hold back the tears and trying to reach the high notes of Sancte Deus to 'Nimrod'. Maybe because it was all that emotion around #1 son who went to Afghan and came back safe and the others who were killed, or, who like Craig, were hurt and whose families have had so much worry and suffering. Craig is recovering, Gordon is safe but still I cried. No tissues, just tears and a runny nose.

I walked down the Royal Mile and was struck by how many people, young and old, were walking in town wearing poppies. A number had clearly been at the service at the City Chambers where wreaths had been laid. #1 son laid a wreath in KL today and then breakfasted at the High Commission.

But for me it was on to meet Y at the station and then to Virgin for coffee before a late, and long, lunch at Harvey Nix.

Early night tonight. Early flight tomorrow.

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