Invisibility shield
Am illegally parked at the airport waiting for Mr B. Let's hope the hazard lights continue to render me invisible.
Tedious day, in which carrying huge bags of concrete mix was not the worst part. If folk are going to be unreasonable, they really have to do it earlier in the process than 18 hours before the deadline. My least favourite bit of being a lawyer is when the legals get in the way of the deal.
TallGirl's pal L is over, so TallGirl cooked. In return I made muffins and, having been mocked by TG for making the ham and cheese ones CarbBoy has been begging for for ages, I found time for some double chocolate ones. I needed an easy win after the way today has been going!
Mr B's flight is an hour and a half late, so I guess he's having an even worse time.
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