An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

It's a Miracle!

Backblipped 11.11.12

I know it's only 3 days since I blipped this little African Violet but LOOK at how many flower heads have appeared since then! Me, Diane the Plant Killer, did that! Me, the woman who can kill a plant just by looking at it the wrong way. Who even managed to kill a cactus for goodness sake!

Less than 7 days ago this little violet was sitting on my kitchen windowsill with crusty leaves, dead flowerheads and an air of despair. She almost went in the bin but I just couldn't bring myself to give up on her without a final and first! burst of TLC.

I removed all her dead bits, gaveher a refreshing drink and most importantly well I think offered my humble apologies for my neglect and gave her a little pep talk.

Her and I have been having a little chat every day since, just a few minutes of me reminding her of how beautiful she was when I first was given her and how sorry I am about neglecting her and how it won't happen again. And look how she has responded! Lots of new flowerheads and lots of new buds! She's obviously enjoying our chats. Either that or she's producing flowers at a phenominal rate to say "Look, I'm fine! Enough of your inane drivel already!" **

In other news, another cooking frenzy today with me making proper chicken soup with the leftovers from yesterday's roast and an authentic Ragu sauce simmered slowly for hours in the simmering oven to be used at a later date for lasagne. The kitchen smells were fantastic.

** Warning - talking to plants. This is what happens when your laptop is gubbed and you don't know what to do with yourself!

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