An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Backblipped 11.11.12

My little measuring spoons have been used more in the last few days than in the last year since I got them and with the weather being so awful venturing outside is not on the cards so when this little set glistened as I dried them I knew I had found today's lazy blip.

A bit of a nothing day today. D was at a training seminar in Glasgow so was home just after 2. Alan had a good day at school and came home with a large helping of pasta from Home Economics.

D and I polished off the last of my homemade chicken soup I tell you it puts hairs on your chest that stuff! then D out again in the evening while Alan and I had a relaxing night in.

D still hasn't taken my laptop to get fixed. I am not a happy bunny. He promises he will take it tomorrow!

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