
By Lenore

Watering duty

Down to Granny and Grandpa's for watering duty today.  We went via Waitrose to get a few bits for a picnic (and I held my tongue when a member of the blue-rinse brigade parked in the parent / child parking next to us).  

Had a lovely picnic in the summer house, including the requisite fresh strawberries (much loved by the eldest).  Watered the garden and headed into town for shoe-buying from cheapo Mountain Warehouse.  This turned into not-so-cheap when the eldest burst into tears at the shoes on offer and so off we went to the expensive shop for a pair of 'not in the sale' shoes for the eldest (typical) and to be told the ones I had just bought for the youngest didn't fit (even more typical).  So we bought three pairs of shoes today. Great.  At least the boys have shoes that fit them now, quite important. 

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