Proud Mum!
Backblipped 11.11.12
Alan came home from school yesterday afternoon with photographs he had taken with help whilst on a photography project with some of the senior pupils from the mainstream secondary on his school's mixed campus! THIS was one of them. He was absolutely chuffed to bits with them and so am I!
Asked him if he wanted to come out with me at the weekend and we could take photographs together. He looked at me as if I'd suggested he eat some vegetables so I guess that's a no then. I suppose it's cool to go out taking shots with the 6th years but not your mum. Hey ho!
Another busy day on the cooking front. We have friends coming over tomorrow for dinner so wanted to get a step ahead so I'm not in the kitchen all day tomorrow. Made Hungarian Goulash and did some of the prep for the rest of the meal. Will do the rest tomorrow morning.
After all that I couldn't be bothered cooking for tea so David collected and Indian takeaway on his way home.
Laptop is fixed and back in my posession but frustratingly not got time to get on it (other than to check it's actually working!) A new screen and they had a look at it and sorted the fact it had been pretty slow despite having the latest i7 prosessor. It's much better! Almost worth breaking the screen for!!!
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