Looking Forward...

By Fiono


I have officially started my Christmas shopping! Hopefully I'll get it all done before the holidays so I can't use it to put off studying. I have multiple exams in January this year, compared to only one last year, so I'll have a lot of work to do over the festive period.

Today was my last day of lab work meaning I get my afternoons back next week for the last week of the block. And the way the rota has worked out, I now don't have labs until February! Happy days. I do enjoy labs, they're just very time consuming.

I went shopping to kill some time between uni and the orchestral reherasal in the Concert Hall this evening. I just rehearsed with the RSNO! As you do...

A bit of an eventful evening afterwards getting locked out my flat! I hid out in a wifi cafe for a bit and Amy just happened to walk by and was able to let me in.

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