The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

They’ll Say Isn’t She Pretty

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

One of the great things about holidays is the complete absence of hangovers! A quick jump in the pool dusts away any cobwebs. It’s great. I can never work out if it is psychological or just because I don’t have to do anything which makes life soooo much easier.

Bash and Shuvly had booked out a 6 seater boat for the afternoon and Punts, Skits, The Eldest Mini Princess and I took the other four places. Bash was MASSIVELY overexcited about skippering the vessel. Shuvly said that he had started wittering about it from the moment he woke up and had nicknamed him Captain Pugwash before we even set sail.

We wisely packed our essential items - beer, crisps and water and headed off. Our ‘luxury liner’ was pretty much a speedboat. But without the speed. Despite this, due to the fact we were sailing into the wind, the three ladies (all sitting at the front) were drenched by the constant spray within minutes. We bore far more resemblance to rodents who had met an untimely, watery end rather than the beautiful, bronzed, bikini clad girls lying on the decks of the Sunseekers flying past*.

We anchored at Cala Formentor. The Prince drove out to meet us and swam out to the boat**. We had a brilliant afternoon swimming in the sea and snorkelling. I love looking at the fish. It was great fun.

With the wind behind us, our trip back was much more pleasant. We grabbed an ice cream when we got back. We had a much earlier night. It must have been the sea air tiring us out. Nothing to do with last night’s gin!


*Bloody show offs

**The Youngest Mini Princess had declined to join him because ‘Boats’ And ‘The Sea’

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