
By Cari

Mr. Blue

Or maybe mrs. or miss...AND, I almost made a faux pas calling it a blue jay as it is a stellar jay! Since on the smaller side, may be a female or a young bird. Whatever its gender it WAS NOT happy I was so near its favorite feeder. While they are absolutely beautiful birds they are pests around the feeders, making messes and knocking things to the ground scaring the smaller birds away. However, I do enjoy having them in my backyard purely for the enjoyment of seeing them :o)

Last night we did something fun. Our company sponsored the local version of the nationwide Texaco Country Showdown. It's a pretty big deal nationwide. Big names have come from it. Anyhow, there were six acts last night, 3 single and 3 bands. One of the gals was fantastic! She for sure has a future in music. One of the bands from Utah was really really good too! They had a fiddle player that blew our socks off. Glenn said "he makes fiddle playing macho!!" :) Our fave and the winner of the night was Poor Mans Poison. They have a sound unlike others. The acoustics and harmonizing are amazing. They were so fun to watch! This was one of 5 final contests in the United States. The winners of those 5 go to the national finals in Nashville Tennessee to compete for a $100,000 prize. Congrats to all the winners!

It is so cold today! Brrrrrrrrr.....
I'm off to warm up by the fire
Everyone have a wonderful week!!

And, big THANK YOUS to all of the super comments on my "newcomer" photo yesterday. You all put a giant ol' smile on my face :D
thank you

Happy Sunday

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