Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


It appears that I am outnumbered, and that more of you would tend to treat skilled tradespeople like festival goers. I look forward to hearing the results of Arachne's proposed research on the subject. I remain very tempted, however, to collect a group of friends to form a queue beside one of these very public front-garden facilities, with an option to ring the front door bell when the paper runs out.

Beyond the boundaries of this rather exclusive estate I found another house with a skip out in the front garden. The gates were closed preventing passers by from examining the contents of the skip. However, outside the gates and with free access to all comers was a series of large cardboard boxes containing music CDs, movie DVDs, and other items no longer loved by their former owners but in perfect condition.

I went to Lambeth Country Show with friends. There was a fine array of porta-loos present, as I would expect. We failed to see the sheep but we did look at the vegetables and one or two craft stalls. Mostly we just sat around on the grass in the sunshine and chatted. As a result I don't have nearly as many interesting photographs as I might have hoped for, but I did take a series of candid portraits of a mother with her son which I rather liked. I did, of course, ask permission to post one should any turn out OK.

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