Stairway to nowhere.............. particular.
Funny day.
Felt like a good positive day when I got up. I'd slept in for the first time in ages. I haven't been sleeping well for weeks now and it's been making me feel so bad, mentally mainly and a bit physically. So when I slept in till 10.30 I didn't mind . Although it's a terrible waste of a morning.
Then I started to feel the waste of day and I then let the day wither around me. John was with his friend and friend's dad lighting fires, cooking sausages and doing jumps on their bikes on corstorphine Hill. Kevin had an 11 a-side game of football at mid day and another 7 a-side in early evening. I don't normally mind being on my own, in fact I sometimes love being on my own but today I didn't.
Yesterday we all went cycling at Glentress and it was brilliant. We all did the green (easy peasy) route. Then Kevin took John to a couple of the skills parks where they practiced some jumps, then me and john put our bikes in the car and drove to the bottom and kevin did a scary route down on his bike.
Such a contrast in the days.
I think the darkness isn't helping my mood. I also have to watch what I eat. I have gotten into what I consider to be a good a habit of not snacking but sometimes I go too long without food without noticing. I weighed myself the other day and I was 7 stone 11 (I don't want to go below 8 stone). So since then I've been eating a lot more. I hope this helps my mood but I suspect that the sun is the only thing that can really make a difference.
What a miserable journal entry....................I am a gemini and will probably be feeling on top form tomorrow!!
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