The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Pet Names

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had a lovely few hours wandering around Palma today. We went into the Cathedral which is absolutely beautiful. It is a gothic cathedral with one of the largest rose windows in the world.

Apparently it was built because of a promise King James I of Aragon made to God when he was caught in a storm whilst sailing to defeat the Arabs. He swore that if he survived, he would build a temple dedicated to the Virgin Mary. He did and a year later in 1230, a foundation stone was laid on the remains of what had been the City’s mosque. Because of this, the main facade faces Mecca rather than Jerusalem unlike most other cathedrals built around this time.

I love Cathedrals* so I was like a pig in the proverbial wandering around. We then headed off into the old town which is very pretty and had a nice time pottering and drinking coffee.

The Mini Princesses were mocking me over coffee for not having pet/humorous names for anyone in my phone contacts. I suggested ‘Unprotected Sex 1’ and ‘Unprotected Sex 2’ for them. Apparently I am NOT FUNNY.

After a spectacular storm in the afternoon, we went out to La Nonna for our last dinner of the holiday. We have had a great time but no matter where I am, I like it when it’s time to go home.


*although it’s always a relief (and slightly surprising) that I don’t combust on entry!

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