The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Pump Up The Volume

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It is Mini, Mini Basher’s (Punts and Popps’ son) 4th Birthday today so we started the day with cake for breakfast! He was very excited. Everyone sitting having breakfast in the hotel sang Happy Birthday to him. We gave him a car/transformer thing. It looked fairly innocuous in the box but had lots of flashing lights and sirens once it was opened*. We may have won the award for ‘Most annoying gift’. I think that toy is definitely high on the list of ‘Most likely to have batteries removed’.

The rest of the day was fairly chilled. Everyone (other than The Normals) was departing late afternoon or early evening so we just stayed by the pool and bid them farewell. Youngest Mini Princess was a bit sad as she is now stuck with her parents instead of Trixie’s daughters. She was openly skeptical about my fanciful notion that it would be nice to have the last couple of nights on our own... ‘It’s not that I don’t love you or anything Mum, it’s just that I see you every day’!

We went out to a different tapas restaurant tonight, Cafe Cabana** and to her surprise, we did have a great night. We mocked The Prince about some of his habits in the car and the food was lovely. I would happily have tapas every day. I think lots of little dishes of different food is very exciting ‘oooh, what will I try next?’. I could totally live near the Mediterranean. If they turned down the sun. Murphy would get too hot.


*The info on the box was in Spanish. How was I to know?

**yes I did have THAT song going through my head all night. “Her name was Lola…”

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