Mono Monday: Week 235 .......

.... vices and virtues

So it seems that today is my special blipday ..... 8 years and counting .... the perfect time to show my gratitude.  

I'm so grateful for the opportunity to showcase my own photography.  But most of all I'm grateful for the wonderful friendships that have developed along the way.  Some of you I have met in person .... and those times will always remain as special memories.  And there are so many more of you that I would love to meet sometime .... if only I could win the lottery.  But that would be greedy of me. 

I'm so very proud to say that my photography has definitely improved over these past 8 years.  But I'm still sometimes envious of some of the other journals .... I humbly except that I'm not as good a photographer as some. 

I was up early to set up this shot ....not at all slothful!  I wanted to get the squirrels whilst they were gluttonously hungry!  And get a jump on the weather! I had originally only planned on having the squirrel looking into the lens but as I sat diligently and patiently taking these pictures I thought it would be funny if I could get a squirrel to go up the tripod!  As I contemplated putting a peanut up on the top of the tripod to see what would happen  ...... it happened all by itself!  The squirrel on the left actually went up!  Perfect!!!

So as I celebrate my 8 year blipday I want to once again thank you all for your patience with my lack of visiting your journals and leaving comments, stars and hearts.  I can't say I will be any better in the future .... but I hope to be. 

Thank you all!

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