Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Wake up!

It has been a very emotional weekend!

After a frantic day at work on Sat' I jumped into my car to dash home ready for the local big firework display. I phoned home and was told that there was an incident blocking my route was my Nephew! He's 17 and just gotten a motorbike, he's very careful and I was impressed by his adult attitude to it.

However...the complete a***whole driving the car that didn't bother waiting at the junction and thought that he could get across in a few seconds....well, words fail me!

It comes to this...broken hands...they will have to be metal plated to put the bones back into alignment, the bruises will heal as will the cuts and scrapes....I am just so relieved he is still alive! I love him dearly and that Pr**k nearly took him away from us...all for a couple of seconds! His bike is destroyed and the leather jacket that we got him for his 18th birthday (this 25th of December coming, he should be out of plaster by then!) had to be cut off of him at the scene!

A couple of seconds....the road was clear after he would have passed.....

What is wrong with us all? A couple of seconds.....stop at red lights.....don't drive so close.... don't walk with your head stuck in your phone..look where your going...have lights on your bike and wear reflective attention...take your head out of your arse and wake up! Because....this is it....this is the only life we get....the only life anyone gets!

My much loved Nephew is already a man...he is taking this with such dignity and courage that my love and respect for him has now been cast in stone...he will be will take time, sweat and some tears as his rehab me...been there...but we certainly don't have to wait for the 18th birthday to say that he is a man!

We saw him in hospital last night and my relief at how little he is damaged (my fears made monsters in my mind) has put my heart to rest.

So please...take your what's right...think of others and the effect you have on their kind to and.......... Wake up!

(A bit of a rant....I know.....but for a short while my heart was cold and sick...numb..forgive a soppy old git.. :). )

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