Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete


Beginnings are delicate things.....when the days starts who knows where it will take you...what you will feel.....what will become of you.

Laying on the ground with the Sun only just rising, staring at the tiny upside down worlds that hung from each blade of grass, I rolled onto my back and closed my eyes...6:58am. I could almost hear the thoughts of the odd jogger that passed by....passed the odd chap laying on the grass on a Winters morning. Delicate....I felt like the world was waiting...while I lay there...still, gently breathing, move...start the ball rolling!

I like these moments....moments of peace and wonder. Time for thinking. Time for me.

Looking down the lens of the camera, focusing in and out, seeing things in fine detail, making a picture for you all......trying to give you something of me.....tell you a small piece of my tale, a truth, share what I am, this has become important. After the last couple of days and yet another reminder of how fragile, delicate, we all are, I am even more pleased that I do this.

So here, my distant, strange and yet familiar Blip buddies, here is my little moment of peace from this morning...I hope your days are all good, that your delicate beginnings lead you to some wonderful things...

BikeyPete :)

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