
By CharlotteJ

Cool Mills

It is much cooler here in Hereford today, still warm but a nice coolish breeze with a bit of cloud cover so Mills was allowed out in the garden (she is always supervised in the garden as she is deaf but it has been simply too hot to allow my girls outside).  Tess has been hiding in her pod for the last two days in the coolness of the lounge.  Today is my 'day off'...I do use the term loosely, as I probably do more work on my day off than I do during my working hours, purely because I can do things without getting interrupted!  I was up quite early about 6ish so caught up with Australia, the time difference is quite nice at the moment as they are only 9 hours ahead.  Then dealt with some finance stuff, then I caught up with some general emails that needed responding to and made my to-do list for tomorrow, my actual working day.  I then turned to Dads financial assessment form for his care home fees and didn’t get too far as I need to see the bank about his bank account.  Then I decided the house needed a good top to bottom clean, so I spent the rest of the morning up to 1pm cleaning.  After a quick bite to eat, I got on with the painting of the staircase and somewhere in between that lot I managed to get Chris onto an earlier flight from Berlin, so he will now be home around 9pm rather than midnight!  I’m going to do Supper!  Its now 17:35 so I think I will head to the shower and freshen up as they say and hope the sun pops out so I can enjoy a quiet glass of wine in the garden.

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