Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


.. A quick one today.
Not very exciting, but a bit pink (and you have to love a bit of pink).

I have spent the best part of the day sorting out (again) an issue for an Elderly relative.
(I do heartily wish that con people would leave elderly people alone).

On a brighter note, I am delighted to have found some information on Family History, and am teetering on the brink of joining a website which helps with ancestry links. (I probably won't... It's a lot of money for a years membership, and I can't see myself sparing much time to reap the benefits. I have enough difficulty finding the time to Blip at the moment (which I do not want to compromise further). I need another interest like a lamp post needs a fishing net).

I went out without a coat or an umbrella today
Obviously it rained :-)
Which, overall, was a welcome change.

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