
By cowgirl


When Lee ( who works at the plant nursery that is rapidly becoming my second home due to the excellent coffee they serve ) mentioned his brother’s birthday party was to be Hawaiian themed, I said I’d got just the thing. Out came the Hawaiian themed stuff from the Hen Party last week, recycled for the birthday party this week. We had a quick trial run over his uniform, which impressed the postman, who walked in as I’d just managed to secure the bra bit. Like he said, he gets to see all sorts in his job!

Have to fess up and say that I asked Lee to send me a pic of himself properly kitted out as I wouldn’t be there. Please be impressed with the coconut cups he made with the coconuts that were going to be used as a bra until I produced the flowery one, as they were pretty hard to saw through with a hacksaw I’ve been told!

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