Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Death Of A Kindle

The death of a Kindle
Well, it happens a lot 'round here
And if you think Peace
Is a common goal
That goes to show
How little you know

The death of a Kindle
Well, I'd rather not get involved
I never talk to my neighbour
I'd rather not get involved
Oh ...

Love, peace and harmony ?
Love, peace and harmony ?
Oh, very nice
Very nice
Very nice
Very nice
...But maybe in the next world

My Kindle was 16 months old and I'd hardly used the thing. I had been reading about how some people were having trouble with them and I smugly thought that mine was okay...but then the screen went! If it is to do with static then it's a miracle that mine has lasted so long as I am very staticy (?!)...I'm always getting a shock when I press lift buttons; watches stop on get the idea. Anyway I phoned Amazon who said that, as it was out of warranty, they could offer me an upgrade at a cost of £50. No thanks, I said. Well, in that case they could offer me an upgrade at a cost of £30. No, I really don't want to spend another penny on any Amazon products as I wasn't happy with the quality. In that case, we can replace your Kindle free of charge. Thank you, Amazon, but will the same thing happen to my new Kindle in a few months time?!! No reply to that one....

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