Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Another nice day to end the week.

I attended my Body Pump class at the gym and it was a new routine so the class instructor was despairing of me turning/not turning the dumbells at the right was early though!

I then met up with my friend Kath and we walked the dogs around Haigh Hall. Hovis gets on well with her dog, Ruby. They are both pretty hyper and had lots of fun running through the trees.

I went home for a quick shower before meeting Brian and his Mum in Botany Bay. This was the first meeting with his Mum for me and all went well. She is down to earth with a good sense of humour.

Finally I had to take Hovis to the vets for a final check of his ears and skin. He's doing great. I just need to pick up some ear cleaner when it's back in stock next week. The waiting room was quiet aside from this boxer who looked very sorrowful...

Going to have a relaxing evening now with the boys.

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