
Having had a last minute notification that the installation was going to happen earlier than originally planned, we got the car early and went to Stirling as fast as was legal. As we were proceeding up the back of Dumyat on the Sherrifmuir Road we got a message to drive beyond the car park until we saw the helicopter, which would give us a lift to the top! So we did. It was so unexpected and such a short trip that we hardly had time to take it all in, let alone get any good photos (although D may have got one). We were greeted by a crowd of old chums and colleagues at the top while the 'copter returned for the bench itself. (See extra for the inscription in the base).

We drank a toast to our friend Mike in fine whisky, then eventually made our way down the hill again. Dave dropped me at the campus and headed home, while a few of us went to the Meadowpark hotel for a nostalgic pint or three. Later there was a meal in Pathfoot along with much merriment.

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