
On the railing outside our friends' house in Bizes, there was a line up of twelve damsleflies, like aircraft at a busy airport taxiing to take off. 
I started wondering why they were called damselflies and found a very helpful website that they were named after the French demoiselle, which means, surprise surprise, damsel. A rather circular argument I felt and one that hasn't helped me.
I did however enjoy the alternative old name given to them, 'Devil's Darning Needles'. This stems from an old myth that if you went to sleep by a stream on a summer's day, damselflies would use their long, thin bodies to sew your eyelids shut, The site went on to say "Naturally there is no truth in the myth." Master of the bleeding obvious.
We left Bizes after breakfast for home and enjoyed a lunch in St. Ambroix before our Lidl shop.

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