Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

It Must Be Nearly C!!!

Looking through the latest blips....there are many blippers finding Christmas coming far too early!

I remember when I was teaching and visiting numerous schools in my role as Advisor, a small band of my colleagues and I had an "Angel Date Competition".......who would be the first to spot an angel for the nativity play and in which school!!!!! They started rehearsals very very early. Sept 29th was the winner would you believe!

With that little bit of background....I was not surprised to discover what I did as I crossed the bridge for my nightly walk.

Three amazing stars shimmering in the dark sky and I think they belong to the three wise men. Its definitely an early start for them from the warm sands of Arabia...but they won't want to disappoint and not be there with you all in time for Christmas. As it is....they're not sure all three stars will hold out...I've heard tell they end up following only thank goodness someone is using the right oil with longer lasting twinkle!

(I think it has to be the silvery neon one on the far left...the 'in your face' yellow ones, centre back, are burning too brightly too quickly and are never going to last!)

So, a 12.11.12 start for them this year because recession hasn't passed them by because they're special and important. Fodder for their camels is way more expensive. They now have to fire up on less than 4 star straw! That automatically slows their beasts down and makes for sluggish engines with a tendency to backfire!

I think too, if you look really close, you can even see St Nick himself with Ruldolph and his red, red nose whizzing down the left hand side of the red lights! He's on a mission to make sure he's in Holland by the 6th Dec and once that's complete, on the cross channel ferry in time to beat the Christmas rush and be under the Norwegian Spruce in Trafalgar Square by 24th Dec!

Way to go Santa!

And if you think this is all too early a my blip tomorrow! We don't do things by halves in the ME! Oh no.....not us!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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