Guests! Or rather, potential employees for the demanding role of gardener. In the event we hired them both, after a period of intense tuition with the hoses, though parental oversight may be required for a while yet, if only to ensure that Alexa doesn’t throw her toys out the pram. After they’d cleared off, well stuffed with the SK’s muffin creations, I skiddadled off to Port Edgar. A careful running through of the pre-starting engine checks, I pressed the start button. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that it started, but I actually was. And ridiculously happy.
Home to sit out before we strolled out the breakwater; so many people sitting out by the water, and even in swimming. Later, as we watched the Bridge, a huge clap of thunder and sudden torrential rain which emptied the beach. We may not need those gardeners after all - I do believe it was a zero hours contract.
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