Flat Cat

A day that shot past - we met Mr McC the elder down at the fishing superstore, took the boat over to the pontoon, and settled down to give all this upcoming arty festival stuff the once over.
We seem to have adopted a cat too - it’s always sat about the garden when I’ve been working away but now has become a close friend (the SK’s cat treats may have something to do with it).
Later, up to the Filmhouse to see Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love. What a joy of a film: great sadness too, but it’s no straightforward love story - for a start, Cohen is errr, a complex character. Aviva Layton (widow of Cohen’s Hydra mentor) totally nails it: "Poets do not make splendid husbands" was one of her many matter of fact observations. Lovers of wannabe poets on here, take note.

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