On High Alert

Dean Karnazes, looking as magnificent as ever, popped up on my Facebook feed this morning so of course I had to go out for a run, didn't I? Awful weather; heavy cloud and hot with oppressive humidity. However, as I anticipated, by being drenched in sweat at the end of the 10 kilometers run, I sweated off most of the awful flaky skin from the sunburned face I had acquired on my hike up and down Mount Fuji.

I spent much of the rest of the day reading my Helliconia book either at home or at the beach. This morning heavy rain was scheduled to begin around 6pm as Super Typhoon Jongdari approaches us. It is now 5pm and still hot and sunny; apparently, it has slowed down. We are now expected to feel the full force of the super typhoon around 9am tomorrow. I think it is going to be a bad one.

Today's photo shows a rescue helicopter on patrol at the beach where I read my book this afternoon. Everyone is on high alert. 

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