
I told Jessica today how very grateful I am that she is not a shrinking violet. She throws herself into every activity we throw at her with the utmost enthusiasm and energy, even though the heat is too much even for many Japanese people who should be used to it. Thankfully, as she said, she grew up in the countryside with her older brothers and regularly attended their boy scout events. 

Today's packed agenda is typical. First, climb to the top of Himeji Castle and walk all around the grounds. After lunch, walk around Koko-en Gardens. Then, train to Nishi-Maiko to walk along the beach viewing Akashi Bridge. Then go to the top of Akashi Bridge (today's blip.) Then to Kobe to go to the top of Port Tower. Then to Meriken Park to view the earthquake memorial. This followed by a walk up to my school (Jessica kindly indulged me in this), then back to home. That's a jam-packed ten hour day.

The fact that she can walk and walk for hours and go anywhere I ask her to go with me without a word of complaint and with total enthusiasm is just marvelous.

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