
We have actually had some rain today.  At least it's a start.  I decided to make a bit of a record of the effects of this heatwave we have been having for the last few weeks.  This is our lawn after the rain we have had today.  It is going to be interesting to see how long it takes to recover.

For those of you who speculated on my blip yesterday - it was a Cantaloupe melon.  It really does have a very attractive skin.

I would love to have a shot of Loosecanon in his tights to show you today but we decided not to brave the weather on the trip down to the Berkeley Castle Blipmeet.  I hope there will be another time for the tights.

We went to see the new Mamma Mia film at lunch time - enjoyed it, nearly had a few little tears a couple of times, but I felt that the young version of the three women just lacked the chemistry of Meryl Streep and Julie Walters and the other actress whose name I can't remember.  

We have also spent some time setting up my new watch - and had a lovely visit from big nephew who came to impart his wisdom on how it should be set up.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about my Dad today - I seem to spend a lot of time trying to get him to do things in the way I want them done.  I've made a resolution to try to stop doing that and to just quietly do things to make things easier for him in his difficult task of caring for Mom and himself.  We shall see.

Hope you have all had a good weekend whatever the weather...

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