Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 88 - Dom Forum, Cologne

Today we started off in a hostel in Cologne. As one of the band members got stuck in the lift last night and had to be rescued as well as pulled out between floors the lift was out of order... We were on the 5th floor and my knee is agony!! Not a brilliant start to the day... We had breakfast and a tense band meeting which I found difficult. Lots of egos clashing and arguing. I just froze into myself. Let a few tears fall but got on with the day none the less. I think I am just completely fed up with people arguing about the smallest things, talking to each other in such a rude way I wouldn't even talk to a brick wall. Some serious bars of soap are needed to wash out a few mouths. Anyway...

We had a little game of throw the ball (Andy's duck-down jacket) while Chris packed the van which was relaxing and warmed us up!

We headed to Leverkussen where we busked before heading back to Cologne for a gig this evening. The venue was fantastic. It was RIGHT next to the Dom! Which is the building I saw yesterday...! It was so overpowering and just breathtaking. Especially to play right under it! Wow.

A good vibe in the audience and good vibe on the stage and I got lots of nice comments including the sound engineering catching me at the end to say he loved my sound so that was a boost. I'm pretty self critical so hearing comments like that is always nice. :)

Now in the van 136km to destination unknown... 2 more days before I get my first days off in 6 weeks...!!!!

"It is the little moments that make life big"


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