Life on the edge...

By bru22

Day 89 - My Rose

Today we started off at the B&B near Hamme which felt like we were hardly in it as we literally slept and left again. Got into bed at 1.30am and out again at 8.30am showered and back on the road. We travelled to Osnabruck for a very successful busking session.

I had another yummy trip to the frozen yogurt shop with Jai. Although it wasn't self service this time so when I got to my maximum 3 toppings and then spotted the haribo... The sad look on my face meant the man serving me allowed me to have one bear right at the top of my yogurt!

We had some spare time so I returned to this shop which sold Scottish and Irish whisky as well as these gorgeous glass bottles in all different shapes with different items inside. This one of course, if I had any way or trust in myself to get it home in one piece, would go to my Kirst... I sent her a rose at the very start of the tour... I love thinking about how much it made her smile...

We travelled on to Hanover tonight where we had a (this time) successful practice session as it was us/Declan and Andy running it! Who actually are trained in music! We then went for a walk to Burger King which was much further than expected before a good nights sleep!

"How did it happen that their lips came together? How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts, that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? A kiss, and all was said."

Victor Hugo

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