Katy-did x 2.....

......and a tiny aphid.

My rose is a home to two Katy-did or bush crickets, each taking on the colour of the rose and one quite rudely decided to turn around as I took the shot.

There was great excitment in the garden today, I had a very fleeting visit from a pair of Lesser Redpolls. I was standing inside with the big lens on the 450D and couldn't believe my eyes, I took several shots but they were a little blurry from going through the window and by the time I transformed into stalking mode outside, they were off. I was disappointed as the males red breast was glowing and its been two years since I've had a redpoll in the garden let alone two. I kept going back to the window in the hope they would reappear but no luck.

Its been dull, showery and cold with intermittent sun and blue sky, we have our heating back on, spring is really giving us a run around this year, we are forever hopeful of some fine sunny days returning.

On the good side our house has the divine smell of home baking. Daughter E has made brownie and its delicious!! She doesn't like it so has left it for hubby and I, aren't we lucky.

I have to fly now as we have a very important family member arriving tomorrow and another celebration later on in the week - all exciting and good fun but I do need to tidy and fuss as you do.

I'll be back later :)

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