
By Mindseye

Empty vessels

A busy day.......this morning we went to visit a local purposely kitted out amenity known as the "Digital Bungalow", as part of our GPs patient group. Its run by the Councils Social Care Team, with the aim of promoting systems, gadgets, aids etc. to help all manner of people remain independant, whether they be disabled, have dementia, are autistic, sight loss, hearing loss ......what an enlightening two hours! Who knew there were such things as talking pens, that read labels, A plug in gadget called three rings that sends a message to an app on your phone to let you know a loved one is up and put the kettle on, rather than you calling check.

After dropping off a couple of colleagues, we went out for a coffee and lunch, which is where I found todays blip, in the little florists.... I thought it was a rather eye catching and pretty little still life :-)

This afternoon we have been catching up on emails and other such chores. We are off out tomorrow, a real treat in store, #excited, hopefully I will have a super blip tomorrow ;-)

I best go and get a few things ready for the morning as I am out this evening and we have a fairly early start.

Will try and catch up on your journals later!

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