
By TusCat

Spoilt rotten...

Where do I start? Well, I’d better start from yesterday evening...

At about 7 p.m. my lovely host knocked on my door. “TusCat, there’s a visitor at the door for you!”... Believe me when I say that he was as much surprised as I was. A visitor?
I was even more surprised when I met this visitor, an elderly lady whom I had never seen before! And my surprise showed even more when she said: “my husband and I were wondering whether you wanted to spend the day with us tomorrow? We can take you to see the Roman wall...”. I must admit that I didn’t answer very politely, as my first words were: “I’m really sorry... who are you?”
Well, it turned out that I had actually met her husband in church that same morning and I had spoken with him. I don’t recall speaking with her at all, though. Sorry! Anyway! My host knew them and he was chatting affably with them and they looked lovely, so I said yes. You see, Hadrian’s Wall has been on my list of places to see for ages and I thought I would miss it this year as well, as there is very little public transport from here.

At 10:30 this morning, G. And L. picked me up at the hotel and drove me to a lot of different sites! I’ve visited Vindolanda, of which you can enjoy three pictures, and I was so lucky as there was hardly anybody there! Then G. drove along the military road, they pointed sycamore gap to me and we saw other forts and parts of the wall itself.

I am feeling very grateful to these two people who’ve taken their time to show me round their country. They’ve also made one of my dreams come true. I will never forget their kindness.

What happened today made me think of something I was told a long time ago. The good you do will come back to you, even if not necessarily from the people you’ve done it to. So true.

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