
By TusCat

A long walk

After quite a sedentary day yesterday, I needed a stretch! So, after another scrumptious breakfast, I went to Alston railway station to do the South Tyne Trail from Alston to Slaggyford and back (10 miles in total).

Along the way, I saw a lot of wildlife: rabbits, butterflies, bumble bees, hoverflies, a hairy caterpillar, a duck, a heron, three pheasants, and sheep and cows. I met very few people along the track, a total of nine, which was great as I needed solitude! The steam train passed up and down the line twice and I waved back to the passengers on it, which reminded me of “The Railway Children”. Meet the fireman in the extra!

When I arrived in Slaggyford, I thought I deserved a cup of tea and a sticky bun, as my late friend Dave would have put it! So, I ate a piece of cherry shortbread thinking of him!

My plan was to take the train back, but after the cake I felt guilty and decided I should walk it off. In the end, I went back on foot!

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