Everybody searching for a hero

We had to pop down to the shop tonight, pick up the things we forgot about at the Weekend. 

On route, we spotted a moving island... a quick look up Marine Shipping and we discovered it was the Royal Princess, sailing from Greenock to Inverness... For why I know not.  I could think of other places I would rather be on a cruise.   No actually, I can't.   The prospect of a cruise fills me with dread.  A moving, receptacle filled with Hooomans, from whom you cannot escape.   This particular one homes, 3500 paying hoomans, and pays another 1500 hoomans to run about after the paying ones.  Oh  no.  (see extra)

We decided after the shopping we would see how it had progressed., and drove to the harbour - I couldn't see it; it was in the shadow of Arran, and I didn't have my glasses on.    Thank goodness for zoom lens. 

Next to us in the car were a couple in deep discussion. 
I barely glanced at them.  There are often couples at the harbour - in varies states.  Sitting comfortably, amicably, laughing, listening to music.  lost in their own thoughts, playful, downright obscene. 

This pair however, held no interest.  The female of the two was in deep discussion with the male.   I left the car and wandered along taking shots -  noticed the Air and Sea Rescue playing games again, and kicking up a bit of a storm. 

As I came back to the car, I opened the window and the female turned and looked at me.  I realised then, it was a mother and a son, and I likewise turned my head away.  She started the car and the pulled out the car park. 

Himself said as he had sat there, they both had been giving each other as good as it gets.     They obviously thought i was too close and hear. 

As we left, and drove along the road, we passed them again. Sitting parked up on the harbour road,  engine off, and once again sitting facing each other across the hand brake. 

I do wonder what situation caused them to leave the house, and sit in a car, and not stay in the comfort of their own home and resolve their differences. 

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