
My Ficus Benjamina has been suffering from lack of water and excessive heat and has been shedding leaves. It is now outside in the garden and suitably drenched.

I spent some time gathering the dried leaves - which have a habit of clogging up the vacuum - and putting them into this recepticle.

Work today was catching up on weeeknd activities; reading the report on how looked after children do not seem to be getting the support they require in a consistent way across Scotland; having various meetings; welcoming back a member of staff who has been off for several months; and having a 1:1 with one of our volunteer management leaders and checking in on what we can do more to support their work and plans. Some good positive messages.

Home to see that the floors are being prepared with screed for the floor coverings. We are now at the impatient stage of wanting to get back in to the house but more still needs to be progressed. The end is in sight though!

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