A different perspective

Back to work today. Everyone very kind and sympathetic. Tired though.

Got through day then home for a fast visit to hospital with washed clothes then out for a book launch - or rather a relaunch.

A few years ago good friends published a book of artists’ drawings of Edinburgh supplemented by their narrative. They planned to add to the Sketchbook of a Edinburgh with new sections on The Royal Mile and the Water of Leith.

Sadly Iain passed away earlier this year from leukaemia but not before finishing the proof of the revised version. Anne shouldered the launch herself. Great turn out and reception at the New Club. The view from the balcony looks down onto the Floral Clock which I blipped on 17 June.

A bitter sweet occasion. It brought various friends together so we went out for a meal to the Dome. The displays are as magnificent. As ever. See extra.

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