Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Not so cute now...


Yes, this is a photograph of Brian peeing. On a primark bag with a jumper in it I was going to return today.

I came round the corner with my camera thinking he was doing something sweet and kitty like with a paper bag, realised what he was actually doing and took a photo anyway - trying to stop him in full flow would just have resulted in even more wee on my carpet so I thought well, might as well get my blip before I have to deal with this...

In my defence for shopping in Primark it's very very cold in my flat and I have very little money. Don't judge me!

The jumper actually came out unscathed thank God, I managed to wheech it out of the bag before any damage was done. The same can't be said for the hall carpet. Some angry words were exchanged. Then he crawled back up into my lap and cuddled in as if nothing had happened!

Humph. Ginger Menace.

C and A get back later today so he's off back home. Slightly relieved now!

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